Some people are still waiting on their package to arrive. What better way to past the time than to look at some heli porn? Uploading some clean shots of the new Blade Nano CP X for your viewing pleasure.
I solved the problem of the tail boom by purchasing a solid CF boom, running the wire directly underneath it and applying 1/32 shrink across 90% of the boom. The shrink does not add much weight at all and reinforces the solid boom even further. Having the wires run underneath the boom and inside the shrink also keeps them out of the way from being scraped or hit by the blades or other objects during a crash. I’ve crashed plenty of times since doing this and I can see the marks on the shrink left by the blades and other objects but it still holds very strong! I have a factory replacement boom (hollow CF) assembly that I have also added shrink to. I have not needed to use this yet but when (if) I do I’m sure it will also hold much stronger than without shrink. Shrink is your friend :) (in small quantities)
This made me LOL! Thanks.
I solved the problem of the tail boom by purchasing a solid CF boom, running the wire directly underneath it and applying 1/32 shrink across 90% of the boom. The shrink does not add much weight at all and reinforces the solid boom even further. Having the wires run underneath the boom and inside the shrink also keeps them out of the way from being scraped or hit by the blades or other objects during a crash. I’ve crashed plenty of times since doing this and I can see the marks on the shrink left by the blades and other objects but it still holds very strong! I have a factory replacement boom (hollow CF) assembly that I have also added shrink to. I have not needed to use this yet but when (if) I do I’m sure it will also hold much stronger than without shrink. Shrink is your friend :) (in small quantities)