Blade Nano CP X Canopy Revisited

Previously, I posted on using v911 and Solo Pro canopies as alternatives to the pricey Blade Nano CP X ones Horizon Hobby sells for $13/piece. On HeliFreak, some Nano CP X owners experimented with Walkera canopies and found that they can be fitted on the Nano CP X with little modifications. One good thing about the Walkera canopy is they are the same weight as the stock canopy, once trimmed to fit the Nano CP X. Plus, it has the added advantage of being molded out of one piece of plastic and is very durable. See the video below for proof. And they are about half the cost of the stock Nano CP X canopies, with a few different colors to choose from.

I found that the following Walkera canopies are the same shape, with just difference in color and decals.

Isn’t it hard to decide on which canopy to order when it’s often hard to get a clear, large photo of the canopies? HacksMods to the rescue…

Here are the Walkera models and the primary canopy colors…

First off, we got the Genius CP, in a very easy to see Orange-Yellow paint scheme:

Next, we got the Mini CP in it’s metallic red/burgundy scheme. Looks nice and has a white under belly:

If you want something blue, kindda along the lines of the alternative Nano CP X canopy that Horizon Hobby has available for the Nano, here is The Walkera Super FP option:

Finally, for those who wants a bright green…you can purchase the Genius FP canopy:

And for those of you who dislike the Walkera branding, you can do what I did. I scrape off the decals with my fingernail. But later found that I can lift it in one piece with an xacto knife. Any sticky glue residue, you can use CA accelerator to remove. (You did know that CA accelerator does a good job of removing sticky adhesive residue right?)

Let me know what you guys think in the comment section.

Update: After using the canopy for longer. They aren’t as durable as the video below makes them out to be. I get cracks where it impacts the battery cage on my Nano. And the cracks gets longer if you don’t tape it. It’s still more durable than my stock Nano canopy. However, it’s not as indestructible as I had hope.

The v911 canopy on the other hand, is thus far indestructible. And I’ve put it through much more crashes than these Walkera ones. :)

Here’s the YouTube video someone made, attesting to the durability of these canopies.






5 responses to “Blade Nano CP X Canopy Revisited”

  1. Heli Pad Avatar

    These are incredibly beautiful and durable. Much better investment than the Blade nCPx stock canopy or any model of Blade canopy for that matter.

    Are there any similar Walkera canopies that would fit my Blade 120SR and mSRx?

  2. hacksmod Avatar

    Yes, these will fit the mSR X. I just checked it for you.

    And Walkera has 120 and 200 sized heli. I bet some of those canopies will fit your 120SR. :)

  3. marinr Avatar

    Thank you. These are really nice-looking canopies (especially with the decals removed).

  4. Byron Trantham Avatar
    Byron Trantham

    Ok, I am new at this modifcation stuff. I got my Walkera canopies from HeliPal and tested the hole pattern against the stock canopy. By sliping the stock canopy into the new canopy and then aligning up the rear holes by sliding a mounting rod through the four holes the forward holes are lower on the stock canopy so the new one is shorter and doesn’t offfer material to punch a hole for the front holes. Do you having pics that might show the solution? Thanks.

    1. hacksmod Avatar

      I have cut up the canopy a couple of different ways. Here’s the latest one I did and posted on HeliFreak:

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