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HacksMods » Helicopter

Repair non-connecting v911 5-in-1 RX

Repair non-connecting v911 5-in-1 RX

Categories: Helicopter, Repair, v911
Every now and then, I see a flurry of post about v911 RX that refuses to reconnect or rebind to the transmitter. Often times, this occurs following a crash. The symptom is upon plugging in the battery, the RX LED immediately turns solid without blinking, or sometimes, it does a series of rapid blink ...
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Carrying Case for Micro Helicopters

Carrying Case for Micro Helicopters

I took this photo to share on RCGroups. I figured I'll post here as well.RCGroups forum member Heli Pad gifted me this Harbor Freight Tools case and I configured it to hold 5 micro heli.From top to bottom:Blade mCP X with extended tail boomWL Toys v911 (HobbyKing FP100)Blade mSRmodded 9958MSRXieda 9 ...
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Evolution of the mSR X Brushless Mount

Evolution of the mSR X Brushless Mount

Categories: Brushless, Helicopter, mSR X
Just wanted to share the evolution of my mSR X brushless mount.I find it's easier to design on the computer. A digital caliper is a great tool to transfer the measurements into your graphics program. A CAD program is ideal. I am more familiar with Illustrator, so that is what I used. If you can scan ...
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Xieda 9958 er9x Settings

Xieda 9958 er9x Settings

Categories: Helicopter, Xieda 9958
Just a quick post. Some people who have flashed their Turnigy 9x to use the er9x firmware can load my Xieda 9958 model into their radio using the eepe (EEPROM Editor for er9x FW). You can get a copy of eepe for Windows, Mac and Linux here: http://code.google.com/p/eepe/Then use the eepe program ope ...
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Hobby King’s XP 3A Brushless ESC

Hobby King’s XP 3A Brushless ESC

Categories: Brushless, Helicopter
For those looking to upgrade the MOSFET on the XP 3A, here are the location of the N-Fets and P-Fets.You can replace the N-FET with the DMN2041. This takes the resistance of the original FETs from approximately 30 mOhms down to 26 mOhms or even 13 mOhm stacked as mentioned below.The P-FET can be rep ...
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Brushed Main Motor Micro Heli

Brushed Main Motor Micro Heli

Categories: Helicopter
Looking at the three motors I happen to have apart, I noticed the winding is so different between them. The Xieda 9958 version 2 motor, the v911 and the mSR are all slightly different. I don't know how this relates to the power these brushed motor is able to produce. Anybody know?I saw that the mSR, ...
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Charging Clip for Nine Eagles, Trex 100 and v911

Charging Clip for Nine Eagles, Trex 100 and v911

If you fly micro helis such as the Solo Pro, Trex 100 and v911. You'll quickly find that they each employ their own proprietary battery connector. What is an easy way to be able to hook these battery up to your programmable charger?Simple. Take a clothespin and insert two tiny screws 5mm from each o ...
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E-Flite 150mAh 25c 1s LiPo Test

E-Flite 150mAh 25c 1s LiPo Test

Categories: Helicopter, Test
I finally got a hold of the new EFlite 150mAh 25c LiPo. I was curious about this cell because a Horizon Hobby employee said that the chemistry is better than their prior 1s cells. One person on the forum noticed that the head speed of their mSR X has a higher pitch, which suggest it was turning at a ...
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v911 Main Gear Alternatives

v911 Main Gear Alternatives

Categories: Helicopter, Solo Pro
I was given a Xtreme Productions delrin main gear for the Solo Pro. So I took the weight differences between the v911, Solo Pro and Xtreme.The v911 is the lightest, and very slightly thinner than the other two.Here's the weight of the stock v911 main shaft compared to the Solo Pro's carbon fiber mai ...
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v911 Battery Tray Adapter

v911 Battery Tray Adapter

Categories: Helicopter
WL Toy's v911 is a fun micro RC helicopter. But because of it's unique battery connection, you are limited to the factory 120mAh LiPo or recently released 130mAh LiPo. Here's a mod that takes the battery connector part and turn it into a battery tray so that you can use the popular 1s LiPo with the ...
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