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RCTimer and DYS SN20a ESC versus KISS

I got the new RCTimer SN20a ESC in today. These are the new crop of ultralight and small ESC, using the latest MOSFET tech. It all started with Flyduino’s KISS ESC.

The first thing I did was desolder all the wires. Then gave it a quick inspection. Follow by some photographs of them sidebyside with the KISS 12A ESC v1 I have.

The KISS are supposely 12mm by 23mm. I measured with my digital calipers at 12.25mm by 23mm. While the SN20a measured at 11.94mm by 23.33mm.

So they are both roughly the same size. However, keep in mind that the latest KISS v1.1 have larger pads so they gain about 1mm in length. It’s nice to see that the SN20a ESC comes with larger pads by default.

The other pluses for the SN20a is that all the wires come presoldered and the ESC heatshrunk. And best of all, the 20A are less than $12 in qty of 3 or more!!!

Runs BLHeli with dampening and OneShot capabilities.




And near identical in weight as well…


And thanks to Zachary, he pointed me to the pinout someone shared on RCGroups.


Discussion Thread:
RCGroups thread: RCTimer / DYS Mini SN20a esc

For flashing…I suggest getting an Arduino Nano. You can use BLHeli Suite to program it into a 4 interface flashing toolstick. This will allow you to flash SN20a ESC with either SimonK or BLHeli bootloader as well as other things. This makes it the most versatile toolstick…and least expensive too at < $4 shipped from the USA warehouse. I’d grab a 3pack or 5pack just to have extra. For friends or other projects that require the Arduino. ;)
The links below are my favorite places to buy:


BangGood USA Warehouse: DYS SN20A with BLHeli Mini 20A SimonK ESC OPTO
MassiveRC: SN20A OneShot125 20A ESC

Armattan (blheli pre-flashed) http://www.armattanminis.ca/armattan-20a-opto-esc/

BangGood : Rctimer OPTO mini 20A Brushless ESC SimonK 2-4S for RC Multicopter
RcTimer : http://www.rctimer.com/product-1280.html


**Update 2015-07-28** DYS rep recommend updating to BLHeli 14 to avoid any issue of burnt ESC.

3 Comments on RCTimer and DYS SN20a ESC versus KISS

Mini CC3D board

I have a CC3D board that I hope to build a second ZMR250 with. So I can play with OpenPilot and compare to the Acro Naze 32 flight controller board running CleanFlight. I always like small, lightweight components on my mini and micro quadcopter builds. So it’s with great interest to see the mini CC3D Atom board.



I like that it comes with the protective casing. And you can choose between straight pins or right angle pins soldered on for you. Plus it also comes with cables, double-sided tape, a isolated dampening platform. As well as an Antenna mount and instructional flyer helping you to hook up a Satellite RX.

Here is a photo I took of it side by side with the AfroMini Naze board. (After I remove the case of course.)


Weight of the FC without the protective case that it came in.

Categories: MultiRotor, Quadcopters
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Nano QX Paper Canopy

Thanks to Darsh, the original creator of this 3D model. I created a few color variation of the Nano QX paper canopy.

More info and original content in this RC Groups thread by Darsh.





Each of the photo below links to the PDF file you can download and print. Good luck and have fun.

White and Red Nano QX Paper craft canopy

Blacks and Yellow Nano QX Paper craft canopy

Red Nano QX Paper craft canopy

Yellow and Blue Nano QX Paper Craft Canopy

Categories: Canopies, MultiRotor
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Quick HiSky HCP100 LiPo Comparsion

I need more lipo and wanted to try something lighter weight to see how the HCP100S will do. The Hobby King Nano-Tech 330mAh made for the Trex 150 touts 45-90c. Let’s see how it matches up to the HiSky HCP100S stock 450mAh 25c pack.

I have two of the HiSky 450mAh and three of the Nano-Tech 330mAh.


Click to view the larger graph…


I was only able to pull 2A from my iCharger 106B+. And I estimated that the HCP100S pulls about 2.8A or so. But the graph above gives us a good basis for comparision.

The NanoTech claims 40-90C. And it does gives an ok discharge the first minute or so. The HiSky 25c does keep the voltage up longer.

I get about 6mins with the 330mAh pack. And about roughly 8mins with the HiSky 450mAh.

The HiSky’s ability to maintain a higher voltage through the flight makes up for the fact that it’s a heavier pack. My skill level doesn’t allow me to feel the weight on the HCP100S. The brushless motor sill makes it super power and peppy to me. And the weight makes it feel more stable in the breeze.

But the Nano-Tech are about half the cost, factoring HobbyKing shipping. And 5-6mins is a good amount of time for flying. You just need to install a balance plug to use the Trex 150 compatible lipo.

Just thought I’d share.

update 2015-07-01: I currently like the  Nano-tech 300mah 2S 45~90C. The measured IR is about 20ohm versus the 50-60ohms of the Trex 330 version. And it seems the Trex 330 version is already slightly puffy even though I haven’t flown it much.

Categories: HCP100S, Helicopter, Test
2 Comments on Quick HiSky HCP100 LiPo Comparsion

Hubsan X4 Quad Plus updates

At CES 2015, Hubsan had a good presence and brought out their new line up. Many of us are familiar with the original Hubsan X4 and it’s rebrands such as the Traxxas QR-1…as well as the many, many clones that tries to mimic the form and function of the first Hubsan X4. That does say something about Hubsan’s design and engineering prowess.

First up, the regular Hubsan X4 with LED gets an update. The H107L is now known as the H107P aka Hubsan X4 Plus.

Next up, the Hubsan X4 (H107C) with camera is now known as the H107C+, aka Hubsan X4 Camera Plus. The camera records at 720P and the quad itself gets an altitude mode. This should allow for smooth flights, making it easier to maintain the same altitude level without too much throttle management. Smooth flights at the same altitude level regardless of speed or entering and exit turns are signs of a proficient pilot.
Hubsan X4 H107C+ X4 Cam Plus product photo

Hubsan X4 H107C+ X4 Cam Plus real picture


Here’s a photo of the bottom. You can see where the micro SD card resides. You can also see that Hubsan uses more screws to secure that part of the X4 that used to pop apart during crashes. These new micro quads do feel very solid in the hand.

Then there’s the Hubsan X4 (H107D) FPV. It gets the plus designation and now known as the H107D+, aka Hubsan X4 FPV Plus. From the product manual, it appears they are still keeping the old H107D in the lineup with the H107D+. The H107D+ maintain the same 720P recording resolution. It’s unknown if the quality is better or not. It also get the altitude mode upgrade. This is definitely a welcome feature for FPV beginners.

And a couple of images from the CES show…



Finally, the new additions to the X4 family. Both are much bigger than the size of the X4.

The H109 aka Hubsan X4 Brushless, is a quad that was leaked a year ago and many have been awaiting with bated breath. It’s Hubsan’s first brushless quad. The size reminds me more of a Blade 200QX. And it keeps the Hubsan styling, with lights on each of the motor pods. Along with the X4 Brushless, Hubsan introduced a new, larger transmitter to help tame that brushless power. Hopefully, the protocols are backwards compatible and will allow flying the smaller X4. Many of us Devo 7e users know that a X4 flies soooo much better with a good TX.

Besides the design aesthetices, the brushless power plant obviously makes the H109 attractive. What really get me interested though is the claim of a 20min flight time.

And finally, topping up the line up is the Hubsan’s DJI Phantom Vision+ competitor. The H109S, aka Hubsan X4 Pro. It touts a 1080P HD camera, GPS and automatic return to home. Even has a parachute in case something goes very wrong up in the air. The video at the bottom that Hubsan was running at their CES booth will give more highlights of the feature the H109S has.

It definitely looks like a badass and FPV ready. 3axis gyro stablization gimbal. And an Android power TX to control to round out the package. Very pro looking.

And I also saw a Hubsan FPV goggle on display. However, I don’t see it mentioned in their brochure. So I would be curious as to how they compare to Fatshark or SkyZone goggles.

Categories: Hubsan
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HiSky HCP100S BLHeli Brushless ESC

Pivotal moment for those of us who loves the opensource BLHeli brushless firmware from Steffen. HiSky’s new HCP100S double brushless micro CP helicopter comes with BLHeli firmware already flashed onboard. Not only that, the programming pads are big and accessible.

BLHeli toolstick connection points…

Main ESC was flashed with BLHeli 12.1. Governor modes are disabled. But Programming by TX is left enabled. Therefore, you should be able to use your transmitter sticks to enable/disable some of the features. Read the BLHeli manual under section for Beeps – Entering programming mode. The manual can be founded in the /manual folder after you download and unzip the BLHeli Suite software

(Another good read… DoubleCH explaination of governor modes)

The best method for updating BLHeli settings and flashing new firmware is by using a SilLabs based flashing stick in combination with the BLHeliSuite software you see below:


Here’s the pinout for that flashing stick from BangGood listed above.

Tail ESC was flashed with BLHeli version 10.4


And for you HCP100, v922, FBL100 and even mCPX owners. Here’s how it can look like if you repurpose the HCP100S dual brushless ESC for your heli…


8 Comments on HiSky HCP100S BLHeli Brushless ESC

Official SunnySky x2204s 2300kv versus BangGood’s

I purchase some nicely priced SunnySky x2204s 2300kv from BangGood for < $16. However, I believe they are fakes.

Here’s a photo comparison against the x2204s purchased from SunnySky’s official US distributor: BuddyRC.com SunnySky x2204s CW version

I see that the one from BuddyRC uses thicker motor wires. And are generally neater wound versus the one from BangGood. The BangGood one has a thicker bell cross section, so you can’t see the magnets like you could with the original from BuddyRC. It also seem to use more glue to keep the magnets in place. I am not sure if this is in response to reports of magnets coming loose…especially those who are running these motors on 4s lipo.


The BuddyRC motor has a slight sheen to it. With crisp lines and a reflective, copper/light gold logo. While the BangGood motor has the SunnySky logo in a matte white, with a slightly different font. The motor bell is painted a more matte black. And the line noted in the picture below wasn’t as refine.


I also noticed that the BangGood motor has a shorter threaded motor shaft. This is interesting because SunnySky x2204s motors are known to already have a slightly shorter shaft than comparable motors. i.e. Cobra 2204.


At the bottom of the motors, the BangGood version has very obvious concentric rings.


Another obvious change between the motors is the use of a metal washer in the BangGood motor. Compared to the plastic one.


Another top view of the motor windings, looking into the stator/magnets.


And the same thing from the bottom of the motor.



In either case…my own opinion is the older SunnySky has a more premium look to them than the one from BangGood. On that merit alone, I would consider some of the other competing 2204 2300kv motors at the moment to ensure you don’t get a fake. Or purchase from official retailer such as BuddyRC.com.

*update June 29, 2015: I got a SunnySky x2204s 2300kv from ReadyMade RC and it looks more like my first edition. With the only updated change being the CW or CCW label on the bell, since SunnySky now produce reverse threaded prop shafts. So this gives me more reason to think the ones sold by BangGood are copies rather than the real deal. I have yet to use my BangGood version of the SS2204s. 

Categories: New Gear, Quadcopters, Test
12 Comments on Official SunnySky x2204s 2300kv versus BangGood’s

WK-Devo-S-MOD Module for Devo 7e

For those who attempted the Devo 7e range mod and did not succeed. You can purchase one of the upgrade module made for the Devo 8 and 12 to get your Devo 7e up and running again. With full range. :)

BangGood still carries it for < $15.

Here’s a picture of it installed. I removed the original and installed it in it’s place.


(updated 2014-10-22):
For those who needs a visual guide on how to wire up the WK-DEVO-S-MOD Upgrade Module…

Categories: Devo
51 Comments on WK-Devo-S-MOD Module for Devo 7e

Devo 7e Swivel Antenna Mod

I just added a swivel antenna to the Devo 7e’s stock antenna tube. I cut and tapered the stock tube. Then used a coax to extend the connector, so I can mount at the new location.

The ability to adjust the position of the antenna will optimize the RF radiation pattern. Ensuring you have a good signal to your model.

Here is a good, beginner’s video on the topic of Antenna:

Combine this with the Devo 7e range mod. Or you can buy and install the Walkera Devo S upgrade module to turn the Devo 7e into a full range radio transmitter. This is the same module you would need in case you attempted the range mod and failed.

I used two additional items that is pretty inexpensive and can be purchased from BangGood as well.

A 15cm U.FL/IPX to RP-SMA extension ~$1.50

And the standard 2.4GHz RP-SMA antenna ~$3



Categories: Devo
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AlienWii Flight Controllers Lands

Check out the AlienWii FC from Lance.

They run MultiWii and has MOSFET that can handle direct driving 8.5mm brushed motors without blowing up.

Here are pictures of the latest shipping AlienWii boards:


Here’s a shot with the LemonRX Satellite receiver installed. Plug and play.

You can get them and the awesome Chaoli motors from Micro Motor Warehouse.

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