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Official SunnySky x2204s 2300kv versus BangGood’s

I purchase some nicely priced SunnySky x2204s 2300kv from BangGood for < $16. However, I believe they are fakes.

Here’s a photo comparison against the x2204s purchased from SunnySky’s official US distributor: BuddyRC.com SunnySky x2204s CW version

I see that the one from BuddyRC uses thicker motor wires. And are generally neater wound versus the one from BangGood. The BangGood one has a thicker bell cross section, so you can’t see the magnets like you could with the original from BuddyRC. It also seem to use more glue to keep the magnets in place. I am not sure if this is in response to reports of magnets coming loose…especially those who are running these motors on 4s lipo.


The BuddyRC motor has a slight sheen to it. With crisp lines and a reflective, copper/light gold logo. While the BangGood motor has the SunnySky logo in a matte white, with a slightly different font. The motor bell is painted a more matte black. And the line noted in the picture below wasn’t as refine.


I also noticed that the BangGood motor has a shorter threaded motor shaft. This is interesting because SunnySky x2204s motors are known to already have a slightly shorter shaft than comparable motors. i.e. Cobra 2204.


At the bottom of the motors, the BangGood version has very obvious concentric rings.


Another obvious change between the motors is the use of a metal washer in the BangGood motor. Compared to the plastic one.


Another top view of the motor windings, looking into the stator/magnets.


And the same thing from the bottom of the motor.



In either case…my own opinion is the older SunnySky has a more premium look to them than the one from BangGood. On that merit alone, I would consider some of the other competing 2204 2300kv motors at the moment to ensure you don’t get a fake. Or purchase from official retailer such as BuddyRC.com.

*update June 29, 2015: I got a SunnySky x2204s 2300kv from ReadyMade RC and it looks more like my first edition. With the only updated change being the CW or CCW label on the bell, since SunnySky now produce reverse threaded prop shafts. So this gives me more reason to think the ones sold by BangGood are copies rather than the real deal. I have yet to use my BangGood version of the SS2204s. 

Categories: New Gear, Quadcopters, Test
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