Tag: quad

  • HiSky HT-8 and FF120 Board Pics

    HiSky HT-8 and FF120 Board Pics

    To help those of you hacking the FF120/mQBot Micro flight controller, here are some photos. You can see some pads underneath. Here’s the transceiver used. Clearly seen with the shield taken off. I foolishly attempted to desolder the shield. Then I saw that the shield can actually just pop off. Very nice. :) And here’s […]

  • GWS EP5443 Props

    GWS EP5443 Props

    I just got some GWS EP5443 props in from Banggood. Users on the HeliFreak thread mentioned that it improved performance of their mQX. RCGroups also has a couple of threads (New GWS props for mQX and EZ v929 Performance Prop Upgrade) about these GWS props, and most say it’s an improvement over the stock props.  So, I […]