Just wanted to share the transmitter sticks that just arrived. At our local flynite, quite a few of us has the Turnigy 9x transmitter. Often times, it takes a double, triple check to make sure I am picking up the one that is mine. With these new sticks, it should help me identify my TX from the others. That is until my buddies read this blog post and decide to get some red ones like these.
These were $2.34 a pair from R2hobbies.com and my entire order only cost a little over $3 bucks to ship from Australia. Not bad considering I bought other things as well.
The 3mm Futaba sticks are the correct size and model for compatibility with the Turnigy 9x and it’s other variants: FlySky FS-TH9x, Eurgle, Imax, etc…
Update (2013-05-30) – Hobby King now carries compatible sticks. The ends looks less “sharp” so it may be more comfortable. Only $1.89 from here.
Hi, I have turnigy 9x and my thumb is not comfortable with the stock stick because the diameter of the tip is small like 6mm diameter. What is the diameter of the tip of this new stick?
can you tell me what is the total length of this stick? thanks
The red part alone is 28mm.
Installed on the radio, it total stick max extension is 40mm.
Screwed all the way down to 33.8mm or so at the lowest position.
Thanks, how about the diameter of the tip part, that part that touches the thumb? Planning to replace my 9x stock stick cause i’m not comfortable with the small diameter tip.
It’s 7.54mm. It’s really sharp and pointy. So it might be even more uncomfortable on your thumb.
I have seen sticks that has wide tips (13mm) for sale on HobbyKing’s site. And probably eBay too.
Blue: http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/uh_viewitem.asp?idproduct=15238
Red: http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/uh_viewitem.asp?idproduct=12996
They have variations:
Hi, no reply yet?
It’s 7.54mm. It’s really sharp and pointy. So it might be even more uncomfortable on your thumb.
I have seen sticks that has wide tips (13mm) for sale on HobbyKing’s site. And probably eBay too.
Blue: http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/uh_viewitem.asp?idproduct=15238
Red: http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/uh_viewitem.asp?idproduct=12996
They have variations: