Category: Xieda 9958

  • Magnet Wire Tips and Tricks

    Magnet Wire Tips and Tricks

    In almost all aspect of life, having the right tool makes the job much easier. When flying micro helicopters and quads, everything has to be micro sized in order to avoid adding unneeded weight that may robs the motor of it’s performance. For wires, magnet wires, also known as enamel wires, are a must have […]

  • Faux Anodized Motor

    Faux Anodized Motor

    I am pretty certain I am not the first to take a sharpie to the surface of a motor, but I’ll share this technique anyways. My wife gave me a bag of Sharpies last night and this was the first idea that came to mind. I find that the large, wedge shaped Sharpie, stroking in […]

  • Xieda 9958 er9x Settings

    Just a quick post. Some people who have flashed their Turnigy 9x to use the er9x firmware can load my Xieda 9958 model into their radio using the eepe (EEPROM Editor for er9x FW). You can get a copy of eepe for Windows, Mac and Linux here: Then use the eepe program open up my […]

  • Charging Clip for Nine Eagles, Trex 100 and v911

    Charging Clip for Nine Eagles, Trex 100 and v911

    If you fly micro helis such as the Solo Pro, Trex 100 and v911. You’ll quickly find that they each employ their own proprietary battery connector. What is an easy way to be able to hook these battery up to your programmable charger? Simple. Take a clothespin and insert two tiny screws 5mm from each […]

  • Xieda 9958 Heatshrink Tail Motor Holder Mod

    Xieda 9958 Heatshrink Tail Motor Holder Mod

    Here’s an easy mod for those of you who fly with the tail fin removed because it requires heatshrink where the tail fin normally sits. The goal is to prevent the tail motor holder from sliding up the boom and severing your tail motor wires. Securing the tail motor holder is important on the 9958 […]

  • Video of 9958-BSX

    Video of 9958-BSX

    Here’s a video I made of the Xieda 9958 with Bravo SX head. The Bravo SX and Solo Pro head are the same. You can use either one. See this post:

  • Using Jim Stoll’s 9958 Jig for v911

    Using Jim Stoll’s 9958 Jig for v911

    I was asked the following: Would the holes for BSX match up with holes for V911 main shaft. I plan to get this jig to make main shafts for 9958, V911, Bravo SX from 120SR tail boom. Well, the jig does a good job of keeping your drill bit straight and true. And if you […]

  • Jim Stoll’s CNC Drilling Jig for Xieda 9958

    I just wanted to share a drilling jig that Jim Stoll made for us Xieda 9958 modders and hacker. I came across his jig on one of the forum. As a hobbiest, he created a drilling jig so he can make new main shaft for the mCPX helis. I guess going CP means more likeliness […]

  • Xieda 9958 Metal Blade Ball Mod

    Here’s a mod to try if you happen to have some broken 9958 blades you want to resurrect. Use MicroHeli mSR aluminum balls. Drill a hole were the ball broke off and screw on one of the MicroHeli ball to resurrect your 9958 blades.

  • Link Guides O-Ring Mod

    Link Guides O-Ring Mod

    How many of you are breaking off the link guides like I am prone to doing during hard crashes? I put some 9958 canopy grommets on them and hopefully they reduce the breakage rates. Give it a try and let me know if works out for you. I use tweezers to open up the o […]