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Cheap HiSky FF120 and Hobby King Qbot Micro LiPo

I needed some 250mAh 1S LiPo that will fit in the battery cage of some of the micro quad that has found it’s home in my growing fleet. On the forum, many suggest the cell BangGood listed for 5@ $12 is the best performing lipo for their micro quad. I purchased them to check them out for myself.

They just arrived and I noticed that they were labeled FullyMax 250mAh. I know from the FBL80 that HiSky do use FullyMax lipo with their label on top. So I compared it to the 250mAh 25c lipo that came with my Hobby King Qbot Micro (A HiSky FF120 rebrand).

Here are the results.

Both 1s 250mAh weighs ~7.90g.
Both lipo has the same dimensions and looks exactly the same.

And here are their discharge curve for comparision:

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HiSky HT-8 and FF120 Board Pics

To help those of you hacking the FF120/mQBot Micro flight controller, here are some photos.

You can see some pads underneath.

Here’s the transceiver used. Clearly seen with the shield taken off. I foolishly attempted to desolder the shield. Then I saw that the shield can actually just pop off. Very nice. :)

And here’s the FF120/qBot micro flight controller.

And here’s the bottom as requested:

Categories: Quadcopters
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